STAFF REPORT — From Sarasota Memorial Hospital…
As of March 31, Sarasota Memorial Hospital was caring for 26 inpatients who have tested positive for COVID-19. We have discharged 21 patients, and despite the extraordinary efforts of our care team, we are sorry to report that a third positive patient has passed away since the outbreak began.
To date, we have eight employees who are positive with COVID. One employee who had been hospitalized has been discharged, while the other positive employees are being monitored at home. These cases remain under investigation, but based on the tracing of the employees’ contacts, they did not appear to have a known exposure to a positive patient at SMH. Patients and staff who had close contact with the employees in the days before they went into quarantine are being notified. As a precaution, several staff have been asked to stay home and self-monitor for symptoms for 14 days, and we are testing those who have or develop symptoms.
Plans to Manage Potential Surge:
As the number of cases steadily increases in Florida, we have plans in place to help us manage a potential large surge in cases. For instance, our available ICU capacity has increased from 62 to 80 beds, if needed, via expansion into surgery/procedural areas. We also have identified additional areas to care for an influx, and are coordinating our plans with local and state officials.
Obtaining personal protective equipment (PPE) is our highest priority amid widespread national shortages. We are working 24/7 to source supplies from every available channel as the outbreak accelerates. We also are following CDC guidelines to take every measure to safely conserve and appropriately allocate our very limited stock of PPE. And, we are welcoming donations of medical supplies from community, business and medical partners.
Here are the latest updates, as of 5 pm March 31:
- SMH has tested nearly 600 people, with 40 positive results.
- In addition, 8 employees have tested positive.
- 26 patients remain hospitalized.
- 3 patients have died.
- The remainder have been released with follow-up monitoring by the Florida Department of Health after treatment at SMH or its Emergency Care Centers.
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